How to do a mail merge in word with an excel file
How to do a mail merge in word with an excel file

There the table will start with a row to mark that it was continued from an earlier slide, and the table on the previous slide will get a row to mark that it is continued on the next slide. records will continue on a cloned table on the next slide. In such cases the table will be split over multiple slides i.e. There may be too many records present to fit in a given table on a single slide. Often they will be substituted by some specific text: When SlideMight makes a new presentation based on the pattern file and data, it will process such placeholders. In the first pattern slide there are two so called "placeholders", that start with a $ symbol followed by some text between braces.

how to do a mail merge in word with an excel file

  • MailMergeDemo_data.json: a data set: 6 persons with their names, hometowns and favorite colorsīelow you will see part of the contents of the data file and the specific configuration file.
  • MailMergeDemo_config.json: a specific configuration.
  • default_config.json: a default configuration.
  • MailMergeDemo_pattern.pptx: a Powerpoint presentation with so called pattern slides.
  • #How to do a mail merge in word with an excel file download

    We use files in a folder named MailMergeDemo residing in the "Examples" archive that you can download from the SlideMight web shop (click menu bar at the top).

    how to do a mail merge in word with an excel file how to do a mail merge in word with an excel file

    We present a use case that has been inspired on George Mount's example on his blog post " Excel Tip: Mail Merge to PowerPoint via Word Outline". In a follow up, I'll present more advanced features such as image handling. In this article I show how you can fuse a flat data set with a PowerPoint presentation. Until recently Microsoft PowerPoint lacked a tool that acts like the mail merge functionality for Word.

    How to do a mail merge in word with an excel file